About the Journal

AJIEL- Ar-Raniry Journal of Islamic Economic Law is professionally managed and published by the Sharia Economic Law Study Program, Faculty of Sharia and Law, UIN Ar-Raniry in helping academics, researchers and practitioners to disseminate their research results.

AJIEL- Ar-Raniry Journal of Islamic Economic Law is a blind peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the publication of quality research results related to the field of Sharia economic law. All publications in the AJIEL- Ar-Raniry Journal of Islamic Economic Law are open access which allows articles to be freely available without any subscription.

AJIEL- Ar-Raniry Journal of Islamic Economic Law accepts manuscripts in Indonesian, English and Arabic with the following conditions: The submitted manuscript is typed in times new roman 12 pt, 1.15 spacing with a total of 15-20 pages. The manuscript uses footnotes with references (min 15 books/journals/other scientific works. Abstract is made in English approximately 150-200 words and accompanied by keywords (keywords) maximum 5 words in English. Manuscripts that are not suitable for publication can be taken back by the author to the editorial team. Manuscripts must be received by the editor two months before publication. AJIEL- Ar-Raniry Journal of Islamic Economic Law is published in two editions a year in June and December.