Pemenuhan Hak Nafkah Istri dalam Masa ‘Iddah

(Studi Kasus di Gampong Kuta Kumbang Kecamatan Seunagan)


  • Cut Putri Saridevi UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh
  • Soraya Devy UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh
  • Jamhir UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh


The income of the ‘iddah period is an obligation of the husband to be given to his ex-wife and to follow the orders and provisions of the law. The legal basis for ‘iddah is explained in KHI article 149 letter b and in the Qur'an surah at thalaq: 6. Therefore, the problem raised in this thesis is what are the factors of non-fulfillment of the wife's right to provide during the ‘iddah period, how Islamic law views the wife's right to provide during the ‘iddah period. The purpose of this study was to determine the factor of non-fulfillment of wife's income during the ‘iddah period in Gampong Kuta Beetle, Seunagan District, and to find out how Islamic law views the right to provide during the ‘iddah period that is not fulfilled in Gampong Kuta Beetle, Seunagan District. The research method used in this study is by conducting direct research in the field (field research). The results of this study found that there was an ex-husband who neglected his obligations to his ex-wife so that this ex-wife did not get a living during the ‘iddah period in the concept of ‘iddah income in Kuta Beetle, Seunagan District. The factors that cause the non-fulfillment of income during the ‘iddah period are the absence of responsibility, lack of a sense of care and awareness, economic factors, in terms of the view of Islamic law a husband whose wife mentality then brings legal consequences, such as the provision of ‘iddah and mut'ah, and the law is obligatory in accordance with the nash of the Qur'an.

Keywords: Fulfillment of Wife's Right, ‘iddah Period


